

The future of humanity doesn't lie in the hands of one person, rather, it is dependent on a collective effort.

No single person will be able to change or shape the future of mankind without the collective backing of the others. This statement is especially significant for the climate and global warming situation.

A lot of people were lucky to be born in places with healthy food, clean water and fresh air. It can be difficult for them to comprehend the effects of global warming because they live in unaffected areas.

I have been one of the lucky few to have traveled and visited remote areas around the world, where climate change is a visible dominant force. In developing countries especially, if you inquire and ask the locals how the climate was 20 years ago, compared to the present, they'll tell you things were much better. There were 4 regular seasons, the temperatures were much cooler, there were a lot more plants and trees and birds and free wildlife.

With industrial development and urbanization, many species have become extinct. Greenery has been reduced. The summers are hotter, the winters are colder, monsoons are either dry or waves of flood and landslides. The countries that are closer to the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn are experiencing more devastating climate conditions than countries on the Tropic of Cancer. As a result, most of the developed countries, with the exception of Australia, haven't yet experienced the effects of global warming.

The effects of climate change are inevitable. Those who don't see any changes yet should play close attention to California. The people of California are lucky to get a head start in what's to come. They have a chance to prepare for what's to come.

Basins and areas of low altitude are the first to be affected by climate change. The people living in areas of high altitude will be the last to experience climate change. They have the most time to make a difference. Once the ball starts rolling, it won't stop.

What does the future look like? Accompanied by the general lack of clean (if any) water and air, food will become scarce. Mankind will not perish without showing it's ugliest monstrosity in the coming times of adversity.

Can climate change be stopped? No. The ball has started rolling. In order to stop it, mankind would require a combined coordinated effort to reverse the changes. The only willing participants so far, are the intelligent ones and those who have already been affected. As my brother once said, "Humanity is doomed because most people are selfish, and they only care about their personal interests."

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