
The facade of going green

If the world's trying to go green, shouldn't it try to reduce consumption and dependency on computers and all electronic devices?

The more people rely on them, the higher their usage will get. The higher their usage becomes, the more electricity civilization will need to sustain itself.

Looking at the trend over the past two decades, has the world reduced it's consumption of electronic devices, or drastically increased it?

Modern households are designed and built around electricity. Everything is electric. The result is unnecessary reliance on electricity to live a "normal" life.

"Green" and sustainable energy resources cannot be relied on to power the grid systems in the world today. Governments have to build more dams, approve more mining operations, and indirectly, cause a larger strain on the earth and it's resources. This will inevitably lead to desertification. There are already enough instances around the globe today that showcase this to be happening.

The problem with the world today, is that most people just want to make money and live their lives. They don't care about environment. They don't care about the planet. They don't care about other people. They don't care enough to make any changes in their own lifestyles. The only thing that gets their attention, is getting more attention. People will lie, cheat, and bullsh!t their way through anything if it means getting a few rays of that spotlight. That's all there really is to them.

If the world truly wants to go green, it will have to cut back on manufacturing and industrialization, especially in regards to electronics. Companies cannot release dozens of phone models and computers each year, then package them in paper and declare themselves as "going green", or "saving the environment". Recycling electronics is damn near impossible. Every year, millions of tonnes of electronic waste is shipped off to third world countries for "recycling". But how much of it is actually recycled? And how much is disposed off as waste material, thus polluting the environment?

The fashion industry has to be stopped. Marketing and advertisement has brainwashed people into shopping addiction. People buy so many clothes and shoes each year, and inevitably throw them away. These "fast fashion" products aren't recyclable.

Marketing and advertisement industries and social media have become a cancer to society. Everyone wants to use the newest and latest products. Everyone wants to jump on the hype train to show off to the world and "look cool". People have become reliant on validation from strangers to appraise their lifestyles and happiness. What does this entail? More shopping. Purchasing unnecessary products just to show off to the world. Things that they don't need, that they can live without.

Every product in the market today is now labeled green, recyclable and environmental friendly. But how much of that is even true? Can you trust an industry that's built around money and making money to be honest about their products?

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